Web Authentication (WebAuthn) based SSH authentication suppor is here!

Create passkeys that are securly stored by your system and make your SSH access more secure

Everyone knows that passwords are a pain. They are hard to remember, easy to guess, and often not secure enough. That's why key based authentication is usually prefered for SSH access. But even that is not perfect. Keys can be stolen, lost, specially when they are used in a browser based client.

WebAuthn is a new standard that allows you to create secure keys that are stored in your system. These keys are fully managed by your system (OS, browser, mobile, usb device), you cannot even retrieve them, but you can ask the system to perform the necessary authentication operations. This way, you can use your system as a secure key store and authenticate to your SSH servers without the pain of managing the keys itself.

WebSSH client now supports WebAuthn based SSH authentication. You can create your keys on the UI, decide whether you want to create a local system managed key or one that is managed by an external device (like a usb key or your phone), and use them to authenticate to your SSH servers. Once you created a new key the page will show the public key of your new key pair and you need to add it to the authorized_keys file of your server.

NOTE: webauthn authentication requires support from the server as well, thus your server needs to run a fairly recent version of OpenSSH server (V8.4 or greater) and the server needs to be configured with the support. To enable webauthn based authentication on your server, you need to add the following line to your sshd_config file: PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+webauthn-sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com